

  • 版权信息
  • Abbreviations
  • Thinking Domestic and International: Strengthening the Foundation for Peaceful Development
  • Following the Trends of Our Time and Promoting World Peace and Development
  • Remaining Forever Reliable Friends and Sincere Partners
  • Working Hand in Hand for Common Development
  • Working Together for a Better Asian and Global Future
  • Building a New Model of Major-Country Relations between China and the United States
  • Jointly Maintaining and Developing an Open World Economy
  • Working Together to Build the Silk Road Economic Belt
  • Championing the Shanghai Spirit and Promoting Common Development
  • Working Together to Build a 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road
  • Giving Play to the Leading Role of the Asia Pacific Maintaining and Advancing an Open World Economy
  • Building a Firm Sense in the Asia Pacific of Our Being a Community with a Shared Future
  • Continuing Commitment to the Principles of Amity Sincerity Mutual Benefit and Inclusiveness in Conducting Neighborhood Diplomacy
  • Committing to a Rational Coordinated and Balanced Approach to Nuclear Security
  • Speech at the UNESCO Headquarters
  • The Chinese Dream is a Dream of Peace Happiness and Contributing to the World
  • Speech at the K?rber Foundation
  • Speech at the College of Europe
  • The People of China Do Not Accept That a Powerful Country Is Destined for Hegemony
  • Establishing an Asian Security Concept and Together Creating a New Landscape for Security Cooperation
  • Promoting the Spirit of the Silk Road Strengthening Sino-Arab Cooperation
  • Championing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Building a Better World through Win-Win Cooperation
  • Deepening Cooperation Reflecting Inclusiveness and Conveying Confidence
  • New Departure New Vision New Impetus
  • Building a Community with a Shared Future for Common Progress
  • All Countries Are Welcome aboard the Train of China's Development
  • With the Belt and Road as Wings Soaring High with the Countries of South Asia
  • Promoting Exchange Fusion and Learning between Human Civilizations
  • Using Connectivity as a Boon to Development and Partnership to Facilitate Cooperation
  • Seeking Sustained Development and Fulfilling the Asia Pacific Dream
  • Shaping the Future through Asia Pacific Partnership
  • Promoting Innovative Development and Achieving Interconnected Growth
  • How Is China Developing? What Kind of Country Will China Become Once It Is Developed?
  • China Will Always Be a True Friend to the People of Pacific Island Countries
  • China's Diplomacy Must Befit Its Major Country Status
  • Toward a Community with a Shared Future and a New Beginning for Asia
  • Baking a Larger Pie of Interests and Making Sure Everyone Gets a Piece
  • Carrying Forward the Bandung Spirit and Advancing Mutually Beneficial Cooperation
  • Building a Community of Shared Interests for BRICS Countries
  • Speech Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese People's Victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World's Victory against Fascism
  • Speech at Welcome Dinner Hosted by the Government of Washington State and American Friendly Organizations
  • Remarks at Arrival Ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House
  • Toward a Mutually Beneficial Partnership for Sustainable Development
  • Working Together to Forge a New Partnership of Mutually Beneficial Cooperation and Create a Human Community with a Shared Future
  • Championing Discussion and Collaboration for Shared Growth as a Principle of Global Governance
  • Working Together to Eradicate Poverty and Promote Common Development
  • China is a Responsible Major Country
  • China Always Gives Top Diplomatic Priority to Its Neighborhood
  • The Leading Role of the Asia Pacific in Meeting Global Economic Challenges
  • Joining Hands to Build a Mutually Beneficial Fair and Equitable Mechanism for Climate Change Governance
  • Beginning a New Era of China-Africa Mutually Beneficial Cooperation and Shared Development
  • Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference in Wuzhen
  • Address at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
  • Working Together to Create a Bright Future for China-Arab Relations
  • Strengthening Global Nuclear Security Architecture and Promoting Global Nuclear Security Governance
  • Jointly Creating a Better Future of Peace and Prosperity for Asia through Dialogue and Consensus
  • Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative to Extend Reform and Development
  • Making Unremitting Efforts for a New Model of Major-Country Relations between China and the United States
  • Jointly Building the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor
  • Creating a Brighter Future for China-Russia Relations
  • Ensuring the Belt and Road Initiative Benefits All People
  • A New Starting Point for China's Development A New Blueprint for Global Growth
  • From Paris to Hangzhou the Fight against Climate Change is in Action
  • Toward an Innovative Invigorated Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy
  • Improving Our Ability to Participate in Global Governance
  • Strengthening Confidence and Seeking Common Development
  • Enhanced Partnership toward Stronger Momentum for Growth
  • Shouldering the Responsibilities of Our Age and Promoting Global Growth Together
  • Working Together to Build a Human Community with a Shared Future
  • There Are a Thousand Reasons to Build Positive China-US Relations
  • Working Together to Advance the Belt and Road Initiative
  • New Beginnings for Cooperation New Impetus for Development
  • Upholding Solidarity Coordination Openness and Inclusiveness and Building a Common Home of Security Stability Development and Prosperity
  • Written Interview with Russian Media Organizations
  • Working Together to Usher in a Second Golden Decade of BRICS Cooperation
  • A Stronger BRICS Partnership for a Brighter Future
  • Upholding Cooperation Innovation the Rule of Law and Mutual Benefit and Working Together to Develop Global Security Governance
  • Following a Path of Peaceful Development and Working to Build a Human Community with a Shared Future
  • Mutually Beneficial Cooperation between China and the US Is the Only Right Choice and the Only Pathway toward a Better Future
  • Seizing the Opportunity of a Global Economy in Transition to Accelerate Development of the Asia Pacific
  • Working Together to Build a Better World
  • Openness and Innovation: Toward Greater Prosperity and a Brighter Future
  • Strengthening the Centralized Unified Leadership of the Party Central Committee over Diplomatic Work and Making New Advances in Major-Country diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics
  • Carrying Forward the Shanghai Spirit to Build a Community with a Shared Future
  • Using the Thought on Diplomacy for New-Era Socialism with Chinese Characteristics as a Guide to Create a New Landscape in Major-country diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics