100 Years of Communist Party of China 中国共产党一百年(英文版)第四卷
  • Chapter XI A New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ..... 1513
  • 1. The Convening of the 18th National Congress and
  • the Establishment of Comrade Xi Jinping’s Core Position
  • on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a Whole
  • at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th Party Central Committee ...1514
  • The 18th National Congress...........................................................................1515
  • The Chinese Dream of National Rejuvenation ...........................................1526
  • The Strategy of Upholding and Developing Socialism with Chinese
  • Characteristics ..............................................................................................1532
  • The Establishment of Comrade Xi Jinping’s Core Position on the
  • Party Central Committee and in the Party as a Whole...........................1537
  • 2. Promoting the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan ................................... 1540
  • Major Achievements in Economic Development .......................................1541
  • Significant Steps in Developing Democracy ...............................................1564
  • Significant Advances on the Theoretical and Cultural Fronts..................1587
  • Steady Improvements in People’s Lives.......................................................1611
  • Notable Progress in Promoting Ecological Advancement ........................1629
  • 3. Coordinated Advancement of the Four-Pronged
  • Comprehensive Strategy ................................................................... 1651
  • The Introduction of the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy ............1652
  • Fully Advancing the Building of a Moderately Prosperous Society
  • in All Respects ..............................................................................................1656
  • Major Breakthroughs in Comprehensively Deepening Reform...............1668
  • II
  • 100 Years of the Communist Party of China
  • Steady Progress in Comprehensively Advancing Law-Based
  • Governance...................................................................................................1686
  • Marked Achievements in Full and Rigorous Party Self-Governance......1703
  • 4. Fully Advancing Modernization of National Defense and
  • the Military.......................................................................................... 1727
  • Setting Forth the Goal of Building a Strong Military in the New Era .....1728
  • Enhancing the Political Loyalty of the Armed Forces in the New Era ....1732
  • Deepening National Defense and Military Reform ...................................1739
  • Strengthening the Military’s Training, Preparedness, and Ability
  • to Win ............................................................................................................1751
  • 5. Fully Enhancing National Security.................................................. 1757
  • A Holistic Approach to National Security...................................................1758
  • Strengthening the Building of National Security System and Capacity....1763
  • Ensuring Security in All Areas and the Full Process of National
  • Development ................................................................................................1767
  • 6. Adhering to the One Country, Two Systems Policy and
  • Promoting National Reunification................................................... 1776
  • Maintaining the Long-Term Prosperity and Stability of Hong Kong
  • and Macao.....................................................................................................1777
  • Promoting the Peaceful Development of Relations Across the
  • Taiwan Strait.................................................................................................1788
  • Firmly Opposing Separatist Activities Seeking “Taiwan Independence”
  • and Foreign Interference.............................................................................1796
  • 7. Advancing Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese
  • Characteristics and Promoting a Human Community
  • with a Shared Future ......................................................................... 1800
  • Putting Forward Major Country Diplomacy with Chinese
  • Characteristics ..............................................................................................1801
  • Promoting a Human Community with a Shared Future ..........................1804
  • Forging Global Partnerships..........................................................................1809
  • Participating in Reform and Development of the Global
  • Governance System .....................................................................................1818
  • III
  • Contents
  • Safeguarding National Sovereignty, Security, and Development
  • Interests .........................................................................................................1825
  • 8. The 19th National Congress and the Establishment of
  • the Guiding Position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with
  • Chinese Characteristics for a New Era............................................ 1829
  • The 19th National Congress...........................................................................1829
  • Clarifying the New Historic Juncture in China’s Development and
  • the Principal Contradiction Facing Chinese Society in the New Era .....1839
  • Establishing the Guiding Role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism
  • with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era ............................................1843
  • 9. Upholding the Party’s Overall Leadership and Strengthening
  • the Party More Effectively................................................................. 1860
  • Safeguarding the Central Committee’s Authority and Its Centralized,
  • Unified Leadership......................................................................................1860
  • Prioritizing the Efforts to Strengthen the Party Politically........................1867
  • Improving the Party’s Leadership Systems .................................................1873
  • Deepening the Party’s Self-Reform...............................................................1878
  • 10. New Strides in the Development of the State System and
  • Governance System .......................................................................... 1891
  • Systematic and Holistic Overhaul of the Functions of Party and
  • State Institutions ........................................................................................1891
  • Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s
  • Republic of China ......................................................................................1901
  • Upholding and Improving Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
  • and Modernizing China’s System and Capacity for Governance.......1906
  • Driving Reform Deeper Across the Board.................................................1914
  • 11. Advancing All Undertakings while Responding to Risks
  • and Challenges.................................................................................. 1931
  • Thinking in Both Domestic and International Terms and Balancing
  • Development and Security Imperatives.................................................1931
  • Responding to Risks and Challenges in an Appropriate Manner .........1937
  • IV
  • 100 Years of the Communist Party of China
  • New Progress in All Undertakings.............................................................1946
  • The Fight against Covid-19 and the Great Spirit Forged in This Fight....1972
  • 12. Embarking on a New Journey to Build China into a Modern
  • Socialist Country in All Respects.................................................... 1983
  • Winning a Complete Victory and Forging a Great Spirit in the
  • Fight against Poverty ................................................................................1983
  • Coming to Grips with a New Stage of Development, Applying
  • a New Philosophy of Development, Fostering a New Pattern
  • of Development, and Pursuing High-Quality Development..............1997
  • Working toward New Triumphs in Building a Modern Socialist
  • Country in All Respects ............................................................................2003
  • 13. China’s National Rejuvenation Has Become a Historical
  • Inevitability........................................................................................ 2012
  • Celebrating the Centenary of the Communist Party of China ...............2012
  • Completing the First Centenary Goal of Building a Moderately
  • Prosperous Society in All Respects .........................................................2024
  • The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee and the
  • Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
  • China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of
  • the Party over the Past Century...............................................................2034
  • Summary A New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics .... 2043
  • Conclusion Learning from History, Working Hard, Forging Ahead
  • for a Better Future, and Making Tireless Efforts to Realize
  • the Second Centenary Goal and the Chinese Dream of
  • National Rejuvenation.......................................................................... 2092
  • Afterword ..................................................................................................... 2108
  • Note on Translation .................................................................................... 2115